Add data

The National Access Point does not contain the data itself or the services that are made available for re-use, but only the metadata describing them. As part of the metadata you will find links to the underlying services and the sets of data that can be accessed.

Publish metadata

Metadata can be published in two ways:

Metadata Standard - DCAT-AP

The National Data Catalogue uses the metadata standard DCAT-AP-NO, which is compatible with the European standard DCAT-AP. This means that the descriptions of data may be understood and can be collected also from international data catalogues. If you are uncertain on the meaning of some of the fields and do not find help in the registration service, you may confer the detailed decription of the standard.


In the metadata, you need to provide a licence that will inform the data users under which terms they may use the data. The most commonly used licences are:

The first two are quite similar, and NLOD is the current recommendation from Difi - the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment - and most commonly used in Norway, while Creative Commons has the advantage that it is better known internationally.

The last licence can be used if you want to renounce all rights to the data. If you prefer to use another open licence, please contact us. We may make it available in the registration service.