Roles and Responsibility

Statens vegvesen (Norwegian Public Roads Administration – NPRA)

NPRA is the responsible authority for establishing the National Access Point and is responsible for management and use of the solution ( NPRA has also the responsibility for support and other issues related to the portal. See contact data at the bottom of each page.


Entur has the mandate to collect, adapt and coordinate travel data from all public transport companies in Norway, in such a way that all travelers may have access to the complete public transport supply in a uniform and standardized way.

Digitaliseringsdirektoratet (Norwegian Digitalisation Agency) is included as a dedicated part of «The National Data Catalog for Norway», which is operated by Digitaliseringsdirektoratet.

Jernbanedirektoratet (The Norwegian Railway Directorate)

The Norwegian Railway Directorate has the task as national body for compliance assessment related to the EU delegated regulation 1926/2017 on EU-wide multimodal travel information services (MMTI).

Vegtilsynet (The Road Supervisory Authority)

The Road Supervisory Authority has the task as national body for compliance assessment for the delegated regulation 886/2013 on the provision, where possible, of road safety-related minimum universal traffic information free of charge to users and delegated regulation 962/2015 on the provision of EU-wide real-time traffic information services.